• 1-403-990-8142
  • info@icre8world.com
  • Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Off Grid Recycling!

The iCRE8 Recycling system is suitable for developing mini-recycling projects in rural areas that lack access to reliable, waste removal. Waste-To=Energy, Waste-To-BioFuel, or Waste-To-Fertilizer options. All of which are scaleable and off-grid capable in a sustainable process.

iRENU Systems...

iRENEW Waste To Energy utilize off-grid Energy from a Canadian-based company positioned to be an industry leader by providing clean, cost-effective, efficient, viable alternative  waste processing technology from bio-mass. Our systems can operate in a 24 hour operations and provide product on a reliable schedule to the local markets that have limited transportation access, simultaneously creating a variety of product. Sustainable and environmentally friendly cradle-to-cradle process. 

iCRE8 - Waste To Energy

Our recycling uses off-grid iRENU WTE. The principle of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle is a core value that guides not only our business lives but personal lives as well. As a company and individually we are devoted to leaving a clean and green legacy for future generations. We’re in the business of converting organic waste stream into clean energy, diverting it from landfills.

Generating zero-emissions, No CO2, No Waste, No Health Issues, high-efficiency, and scalable solutions through advanced innovation